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Almost imperceptibly, I heard him say, “What the hell,” and he flipped me over on my back and pulled my pussy to his mouth and made a feast of me. I was out of control. He was as well. He drove his tongue deep in me and tongue fucked my hole. He zeroed in on my clit and started circling it, alternately licking softly and sucking gently. “Baby, you taste so good,” I heard him say. At least I thought that’s what I thought I heard him say. He was eating my pussy like a man possessed. . Shirlynn cried out and dove fully for the blanket. Rising, now somehow covered, she got her natural spirits back:"How dare you burst in here like that? When my mother hears of this she will..." Probably be very interested to hear how you tried to seduce a known lesbian!" said Cathy and granted her one of her irritating half smiles."Lying here undressed and moaning, just waiting for me to walk in on you. I am surprised that you didn't have a finger up your ass to!" The shocked expression on. She entered, and sat 90 degrees from me. She's quite gregarious, and we soon were sharing our "weary traveler" stories. She's headed south, then east; I, south, then west. I was enthralled, and stimulate by the bodice of her bathing suit. She's very well-endowed, and the globes were doing their best to decide whether to remain constrained or free themselves. It was great to focus on her tits, but she has such a lovely smile and pair of eyes, I decided to not be too obvious in sating my fetish. "Well Jordan, I'm really pleased you had such a fantastic time, your first time out of the gate," said Tiffany. "However, there are certain brutal facts that you have to made aware of. I hope that you'll forgive us for what we're about to do." Tiffany turned to Dee Dee. "Go ahead." Dee Dee pressed a button on the control unit. Instantly, Jordan's cock began to slowly go limp, losing the rigid hardness it had just had. In less than thirty seconds, it was reduced to an over-sized,.
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