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As drunk as I still was I knew I had done wrong and did not even try to argue with him. I staggered to the chair and, with my back to him, automatically undid the only button holding my skirt on and let it drop to the floor. I started to lay over the chair back when Dad spoke again "No, not like that. Just like when you were a little girl. Take down your panties."I started to protest that I was a grown woman now, and not a little girl, and shouldn't have to remove my panties. He walked over to. Let me get you out of these straps."After loosening him, he walked over to the bed and laid down on his back. I just gazed at his magnificent body. His cock was still big, even after he emptied himself into my mouth. I crawled over him for a kiss while grinding my dick against his. He was forcefully kissing me, and it was everything I could have asked for.He broke our kiss to tell me that Desiree had left lube for us in the night stand. I went over there, opened the bottle, and put a generous. She was sitting so genuinely, I was wondering if she is married or not, I was staring at her and suddenly she met my eyes. She too looked at me, I was wondering if I could ask her name. But to my fault she was not looking at me, she was looking at her husband who was coming from a shop after me, I didnt knew it, I started smiling at her and as I was about to move forward, her man passed me. He sat on his driver seat and started the car and went off, but she did looked at me through her rear. " No pills, no fuck--at least not from me. I'm not knocking up some girl because she won't take the damn pills. And, no fuck, no date. I've got plenty of other girls available to me." Patty walked away, dejectedly.Erin came around shortly before he was to go off duty. "Hi. I haven't seen you around lately." I've been working some odd shifts these past two weeks. What have you been up to lately?" Nothing, really. Trying to meet people and get familiar with the town and stuff. I sure did enjoy.
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