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Eight...A couple of extra hard ones now.Thank you, Sir.And still your cunt is so slutty and hungry. I'll need to inspect it now by shoving two fingers deep inside your hole.Aaah!You're still not behaving are you?Oh, Sir.When I slide my fingers back and forth in your fuck hole you squirm. I am sure you're getting wetter as well.I told you, Sir. I need to be punished severely.Ten more...this time we'll go extra hard.Thank you, Sir.Nicely spaced out – so I can hear the lovely sound of my hand. "I can guess from whom you learned it," she said, folding her legs beneath her gracefully on the opposite corner from the elderly dusk Shaman."Isn't this convenient?" she remarked, pouring a steaming cup for her Elder. Her slightly twisted fingers still lifted the teapot effortlessly and not a drop was spilled.Wildhair accepted her cup with a nod and sipped delicately. She shifted her gaze from the smug image of the lady to the squatting depiction of a warrior. Although there were obvious. I can take you anywhere and I can do anything with you from now till this month ends.I was scared as he was a stranger who seems to have no respect for ladies. And if it so then I m going to be very much exploited till this month’s ending. But there was something wrong. I could sense that I was curious and excited too. There was heat coming up between my legs. I could not believe it but it real as I felt it. Soon we reached a house which was by sure his home. He opened the main gate and we went. I knew I'd probably get a slap for being so nosy but I couldn't help but to ask."Todd Wilkins the captain on the basketball team," her pretty face screwed up with hatred.I stepped closer and put my arm around her shoulder and breathed in her sweet aroma of vanilla body spray. I lowered my lips to her neck and circled one of my strong arms around her waist."Get off me!" she cried."Come on, Lillian, you know you want me," I said, arrogantly, which I felt the full force of her hand slap me across.
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