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I was struck once again by how lucky I am. I have just fucked a beauty pageant worthy teenage girl to multiple orgasms, and I’ve been doing it for three years. A lot of men never get to know how incredibly sexy a teen girl is to fuck and I’ve got two in love with me and happy to fuck me any time I can get an erection. It certainly had worked out the way I preferred; I’d gone to paradise BEFORE I died.Gem said, “I suppose I ought to get up and fix breakfast.” When she sat up, the cum inside her. ” (If that is so, then we can do it all over again), I said as I groped my cousin’s boobs from behind and started kissing her neck. I started squeezing her tits and she started moaning, “Mmmmm… Ahh”.I was about to make a move for Alka’a pussy when the doorbell rang. My cousin pushed me back. Cursing my luck, I went to check who was on the door, silently praying it wasn’t our family members.My prayers were heard as it was just a postman carrying a courier. I accepted the courier and went back to. I decided to lose the tank top and show of my cute lace bra .It was starting to turn me on .My friend Kate's boyfriend was sitting on the sofa facing us she was bent over shaking her but in his face i thought it was funny so i went and put mine in hers. She was holding my ankles when the guys starting saying take it off .I could feel the zippers on my boots being pulled down she said "give them what they want bitch" .Dancing in my socks was better then the boots but I told her if I had booty. So needless to say, I was already horny by the time we got to the club. When we got there we got seated at a table by ourselves towards the back, perfect. The crowd was just loud enough, he teased me with that thing all night. My pussy was vibrating like crazy, he would turn it on a little bit at a time then stop, driving me wild. The lights were dim enough that I finally grabbed his crotch over his jeans and he was rock hard. OMG, that was it. I had him put his hand up my dress and start.
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