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Well at least we had a lot of fun and agreed maybe we could do it again some day.Toni was a beautiful blonde I met in a bar one night, very friendly and she danced my ass off. We closed the bar that night,grabbed a 6 pack and watched the sun rise, naked on the beach. She was 20 and engaged ,I was going to be her last hurrah before she settled down.I still think about that morning when I looked into those green eyes .Just how she smiled at me with my dick deep inside her. She said if she had. I quickly turned and ran into the bedroom just in my panty. The guard couldn’t see as he was not facing our house, but the 2 guys knew that I was topless. The 2 guys gave some booze to the guard and asked Daniel to join their party.Daniel was in a good mood, so he joined them. They started having drinks. The 2 guys were Ali and Javed. They had finished their final year. They were vacating the flat in the next 2 days. Javed asked Daniel that the babe he saw topless was really a maal.Both of them. At least for the moment Rachel thought that it was pee. The shocker was that Rachel walked up to me and ran her finger between my slit. I don’t believe you she said as I felt her finger touch my clit. All that I could do now was close my eyes and lean my head back with a hush moan escaping my lips. “Well?” “You taste stunning hunny! Just fucking delicious baby!” I felt a gush of fluid run down my thighs. Rachel’s cheeks were turning red and the look of lust appeared in. Well, old Arnold just grinned and did as she told him. When that cock came into view the woman’s mouth dropped open and a moan escaped her as she reached down and literally plunged three fingers into her cunt. She then reached over with her other hand into a jar of petroleum jelly and smeared a gob onto and into her asshole. She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to a big chair with her and told him to “Fuck my ass with that big dik of yours horse boy!” She pointed to me and told me to keep.
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