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.walked into the lounge and some film was on not too sure what it was, weather looked like it was not going to get better anytime soon, we sat down to watch the film and the phone rang, mom walked off and i wondered who was on the phone, most likely to be d*d, ten minutes later mom came back and said that d*d will try and be home in the next couple days as the weather is clearing up by him"D*d will be home in the next couple days as he can get home" Okay mom it has been fun though" Yeah son it. "please" Tay said except that her voice was very quiet."Hey Lady, you okay?" no, get help." she told him."Hey, I called 911 when I saw your car, they should be here soon, anyone you want me to call." Please, call dee and my daddy, um..." hey, should you be talking, maybe you shouldn't talk." 555- 7341" you want me to call that," please" I hear sirens, they're coming to help, just hold on." talk to me, please" tay begged."Ok, what do you want to know... i guess anything will work huh, um lets. He’d always said he’d rather have us call him for a ride than to get in the car with someone who had been drinking, and he wasn’t lying. James was a cool dad. And, in addition to that, James was also fun to talk to and easy to look at. Allie didn’t know this, but our group of friends would call him “Hot Dad” or “The DILF” when she wasn’t around. Even though he was in his late forties or maybe even early fifties, he kept in great shape and had that distinguished older gentleman kind of look. Pat liked to gamble, he took Crystal to Atlantic City. Pat won forty two hundred playing Poker. Crystal lost the two thousand Pat had given her to play on at Black Jack. The next week she bought three computer games and installed them in her computer in the master bedroom. All three were casino type programs and taught her how to win at Black Jack. She played those programs every spare moment. Her quick mind began to understand the odds and feel of the game. When she thought she was ready she.
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