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The air was cooling. The sounds were changing. Night was coming now. Quickly. The sun was behind the trees.Lee looked around and tried not to jump at every sound coming from the wood."There is no Yogi Bear," she said to herself again and stirred dinner. What if he got hurt? Broke a leg? Encountered a bear himself? No, she told herself silently. If anyone could handle an emergency, it's Jay.The wind blew cooler now. The shadows grew longer. The night animals were awake now. Somewhere an owl. “Now, let’s take care of these,” she said, pulling off my underwear as her hand reached for the knob of my erect penis. She placed a small dollop of oil on its head and let it drip to the base. With her thumb and first two fingers she lightly twisted the head of my cock.“Aahh…” was all I could groan.Spreading the dripping oil on my scrotum and testicles, with one hand she pushed down on the base of my manhood and jewels, while continuing her work with the other on the tip of my cock. As I. I could not believe how I’d become used to not wearing clothes. How strange it would be to go back home and have to be dressed. Here I’d only worn anything the few times I ventured out to shop, maybe a few other times. Susan and I had been meeting twice a week for a few hours of sex. Our interludes were pleasant and nice stress relievers. It was a little strange when I’d go to the grocery store as I walked through the vegetable section and see her. There were times I would almost imagine seeing. We shuffled our bodies so that we were lying sideways facing each other. One arm was cupping Aunt Rose’s head stroking her hair and my free hand roaming over her back, waist, buttocks and upper thigh. We were pressed tightly together and Aunt Rose’s hand was wandering freely over my body; she could feel my hardness pressing against her tummy. We looked into each other’s eyes and our lips met. Our kisses were urgent and passionate and our tongues were dancing. ‘Make love to me Bill’, she.
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