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So, I am just going to move on out of this valley and find me a more peaceful spot to rest my tired ass. You need to clean that nest of vipers out over to the Rocking "R" before they call in a mess of real nasty characters who don't have any sense of honor about them. They will use those mavericks as an excuse for their wickedness and that's a fact."The stranger backed out of the yard fully aware that there were a half-dozen guns aimed his way and took off at a sharp trot back in the direction. WHILE I WAS STUDYING EACH PITCHER, MARK OPENED THE BEERS, AND I'M DIDN'T KNOW IT THEN, BUT I AM PRETTY SURE THAT HE SPIKED MINE WITH SOMETHING. HE HANDED ME THE BEER, AND SAID, “WELL HERE IS THE PROBLEM DAN, YOU HEARD HER, SHE TOLD ME TO FIX THE PROBLEM, “YOU”, SO THAT THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN”? “YOU AND I BOTH KNOW THAT THE ONLY WAY TO “FIX” THE PROBLEM IS TO EITHER KILL YOU OFF, OR TEACH YOU EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HAVING SEX, OR AT LEAST ENOUGH TO GET YOU THROUGH HIGH. "Guess we'd better pipe down before we wake up Mom." Uhm ... She's not here."That caught him completely off guard. "Huh?" She's borrowing my apartment for the night. Do you really want to know?"Jake waved a hand in front of him and adamantly declared, "No."They both laughed, but Jake was positive that he'd caught her glancing between his legs in the process. Tossing caution to the wind, he said, "Really, you have great breasts." He was rather proud of changing great tits to something less. But even that couldn’t hold a candle to what had just happened here, in the privacy of his own bedroom.There were no theatrical aspects to it this time; they weren’t putting on a show for Bert. This time, the act was completely natural, completely genuine. He got to discover what Marcy was really like as a lover. As if it weren’t enough that she’d been blessed with incredible looks and irresistible charisma, she also had enough sexual passion cooped up in that slender, hourglass figure to.
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