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“Would you like to see more of my cunt baby?” He hissed a reply, “Lower yourself a little more darling and see for yourself. I want my lips to kiss your pussy lips!” Natasha bent her knees until his lips kissed her pussy lips. She brushed them lightly over his lips, while her hands continued playing with her breasts. Before he could respond, she smeared her wine over her nipples making them harder. She knew that Randy loved this kind of sexy activity. Her scent was intoxicating. His lips kiss. My daughter brought up a wavering hand and wrapped it around my throbbing shaft. I groaned at the firm, warm grip. "Wow, Zhimmy," she said, then sputtered with laughter, bouncing beside me. "Ya'gotta big one..."I sighed as Aimee braced her other hand on the seat beside me and, still giggling drunkenly, started rapidly pumping her hand up and down my cock, squeezing it tightly. I grunted, my cock seeping pre-cum the flowed down over my daughter's fingers and resulted in loud, wet,. “Oh god, Wade.”“I know. I’m sorry. It’s stupid. Don’t worry; I’m not going to hang all over you or anything. I’ll leave you alone.”All of the good reasons she had not to go down this path fell away. That final word – alone – was the straw that broke the camel’s back. She didn’t want to be alone any more. Damn the odds and damn the consequences, she threw her arms around him and sobbed into his shoulder, “I love you too.”Hesitantly, Wade lifted his arms. They were stiff at first as he embraced. Wake up the next AM and head home.But one evening, that all got upped a notch. Like many late nights before, I ended up in the similar environment of his room. Drunk and stoned. This time, he put a full length video of him and his girlfriend on for us to watch. Goddamn it was hot. My cock got sooo hard from what I was seeing. His girlfriend was a hottie and it showed why on film. My buddy whipped out his very huge cock and started stroking it. I had been casually rubbing my still clothed crotch.
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