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Brenda wasn't going tostop now, not until she took my whole head inside! I struggledfurther, twitching and writhing but it only seemed to excite herfarther! She wiggled once again then pulled me up by my chin and Ifelt her vagina move past my nose and over my mouth now as I pulledup tightly on the bed now unable to move! I could hear a faintgasping, a faint excited breathless giggling from the inside now asBrenda continued. I felt her stretch her legs as she gasped yetagain, felt her stretch. At one point, I merely held my tongue out, and let her grind on it, which she seemed to like. The grinding moved faster, and faster, until it stopped, and I felt the vibration of a vagina that had reached climax. Moving my tongue around a little more to prolong the climax, she ground hard on my tongue again before relinquishing her position on my face, the coldness of the ambient air taking me by momentary surprise. Almost before the moment was up, another pussy covered my face, and I took up. “And I like his ass,” one of the women chips in.“Your glorious ass looks absolutely magnificent with you sitting on that stool,” he tells me as he licks and kisses my ass cheeks. I am watching in the mirrors and enjoying the reaction on our guests’ faces and the hold I have over them as I soak up the sexual pleasure.My exhibitionist streak is in overdrive as my man is worshipping my ass with two females and a male watching. “Do you like watching my man worshipping my ass Tony?,” I ask as with a. She reckoned Uncle Stan’s girlfriend was a real bad lot, eyes far too close together and shifty.”“Exactly so. You’ve got a good eye for character, honey. I take it Mike told you the backstory? I have to remember to take the picture down whenever Stan and Pamela come to visit; Pamela doesn’t like being reminded that Stan dated someone else seriously enough to invite her to be in the wedding party. That girl was trouble; my mother and I were both pleased to see the back of her. Stan did a whole.
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