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Kathy realized that her beloved was enjoying her "dear" brother's painful ministering and envied her talent for turning suffering into joy. It was then that she realized that something wonderful was happening between her own legs. Her natural juices had washed away the offending raw & bleeding formula lubricant and the electricity pulsing through the silvery white dildo was beginning to feel, well, pretty good.Being a skilled sexual athlete, Kathy soon mastered riding the pistoning rod as it. "What about the bathrooms?" I ask. "They're filthy. The toilets - yuck.And the tub - it should not be smudgy brown like that. Honestly, Morgen,I don't know how you and Mr. Feyla can stand to live like this."Morgen stares at me."You want to clean the bathrooms?" she asks, astonished."Of course I don't *want* to clean your bathrooms," I say. "I was justpointing out that they really need to be cleaned." Okay. So noted. "She returns to reading her journal.I fidget some more. Suddenly, all I can. She imagines him kissing up her legs, nibbling at her inner thighs. She can almost feel his warm breath on her pussy as he kisses the intimate folds. She brushes her free hand over her breasts, her nipples hard and stiff and she moans, rolling her nipples between her fingers.Her finger works at her clit and she thinks of his tongue, how he’d tease the bud with soft quick flicks, before licking the full length of her cunt from top to bottom. That, combined with her fingering, makes her moan. They had gone into the bedroom to lay the twins down when I came in and found them. They were snuggled together, hugging each other, sound asleep. They looked very loving to me." That's good, Mike. I've told you that the Bible talks about poly relationships, but that you and only you, are the ruler of how you feel and it is your home. If you need to talk about this, don't hesitate to come see me or call me over. You've made the first step, now you have to control your future. I wish you luck.
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