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When entering the garage I was suprised to see that Jim had cleared mostly everthing out from the center of the room. Before it was a cluttered mess, but now all that stood in the middle was a wooden saw horse. I wasn't sure what to make of all of this so I just stood there quietly. Jim came in right behind me and told me that it was time for my punishment. He said "This is going to be very unpleasant for both of us, but it needs to be done. Maybe next time you'll learn to do as I tell you" He. The lamp over the bed was on. He saw Trudy in bed reading a magazine. She was wearing a cotton nightgown. He hoped that she'd say something when he walked in, but she didn't—and she didn't look up at him, either.He opened the closet door and hung up his suit jacket."How did it go at Gloria's?" she finally asked.Frank sighed. "It was a big waste of time. I shouldn't have gone." He took off his trousers and hung them up with the jacket."Who was there—besides you and Gloria, I mean?" Just us; I. Even when he had been in the hospital he had shown such strength, the doctors had said that his heart attack would have killed a lesser man. I looked out the window at the snow and the passing pedestrians as he composed himself. "Your mother has always been quite sexual. She had been a lingerie model when we first started dating. I was an up and coming legal eagle back then. Hammerin' Hank they called me. Of course you know all that," he snapped back from his reminisces. "Sorry, memories of my. No stress. A lot of fucking, obviously. There had been pillow talk.“We could call him..”“He says he’s a bit tired and hungover…”“We don’t have to do anything, just hang out…”“Yeah.. he’s texted. He’s on the way…”’It wasn’t much of a gamble. He was her friend, someone we liked and respected, and was good company. But we weren’t sure anything would happen. Or even if we’d want it to. After an enjoyable evening, and perhaps sensing a moment alone was needed, our friend went to the toilet. We.
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