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"Princess Thesia, not everything went as I thought it would. My dreams of resurrecting the Temple are not shared by my peers, I am afraid. There is a strong sentiment in the Council that we need neither a Temple nor priests. This sentiment spilled out into the streets, and your family did not have an easy time, I regret to say. Being responsible for the situation, I offered them shelter in my home, after your father's house and shop were burnt down by an ill-advised mob."Thesia's eyes filled. So I got up and came to you.”“Oh Ingrid, everything’s fine already! You’re not only the most beautiful woman on earth, but you’re also super, super sweet!”Meanwhile, Willem had also entered the room and stood by, with a broad grin on his face.Ingrid looked at me tenderly and smiled.“I really noticed you during that hot sex with Willem. I felt exquisitely caressed by your male look! But I’ve got my stiletto heels for love and pleasure, not to wound and torment men.To show you what I mean, I want. "Well Steve how do you feel now" said Dave "was that worth it". I couldn't speak I just smiled and mumbled "wow , what was that"."Oh that was Adam doing what he does best, why do you think I love him so much, not only is he a nice handsome guy but he can make you come like no one else". I nodded in agreement as I couldnt disagree."Now Steve do you want to help me make Adam cum". I said yes of course, with that Adam lay on the bed and Dave and I took turns sucking him off. I would kiss his balls. I owed him (and his family) I guess.While Susan was ditzy, she was also very beautiful and she had a handsome son, Jack. Jack had been a marriage surprise. Susan thought she was putting on a few pounds when her doctor confirmed her pregnancy. Susan went from being a young trophy wife to becoming a mom, Jim a dad, and I was soon “Uncle” Richard. Lord, help us all!When I arrived that night, it soon became clear that one of my old promises to Jim was the main item on the dinner menu. Jack, a.
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