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The corners of her mouth twitched slightly upward in anticapation. The first swipe of the whip fell on his back, and he winced, more hits followed, 5, 10, 50, he didn't count, he just felt pain, and he would have screamed if the gag hadn't prevented it, and still she kept going. After a while, declaring she needed a break, one of the jailers entered, one of the to helpers, both of them were black, well muscled and powerfully build, no hair on his head.She gave him the whip, and told him to go. But I’m not a slavegirl. “But Sir, Mr. Bonnet was holding me against my will. You said that you knew that. He couldn’t sell me; he didn’t own me!” she said frantically. He had to acknowledge that, he just had to.“Of course an indentured servant would deny being owned. All indentured servants say that. That Gentlemen, Mr. Stephen Bonnet, said that he owned you and I take the word of a Gentlemen over that of a larcenous maid who is lying to get out of her obligation. And I will remind you that. Shantanu had inserted some fingers in Priyanka’s ass now. He was saying something in her ear and she was all giggling.I started speed fucking Riya. I was slapping her small tits and god she was cumming, she was very rich in juices. Priyanka and Shantanu got into doggy. I think he had inserted her ass.I could see tears in her eyes, and she was not just moaning but crying too. He was going slowly in her asshole. He slapped her ass hard and she shouted back. I did not realize that I had stopped. Acting like nothing had happened, she invited me over to have a glass of wine, she always had the best wine. I tried to act normal but I was unsure of what our relationship was now. Then Mary finally said that she had been thinking about things, about what I said. Then she told me that she would like that, she would like for us to be lovers. She took my hand and led me to her bedroom. She undressed me, ever so sexy and had me lay on my back on her big bed. Then as she looked me in the eyes,.
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