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I have always thought it was a sin to think like that and would just brush it off. But recently I have heard Jon and Allison having sex and it turns me on so much, so when I can hear them in Jon’s room I just go to my room and pull out my vibrator until I orgasm and fall asleep. Until recently I started to notice myself masturbating to the thoughts of my son fucking me. One summer evening Jon and Allison were hanging out in our pool while I was in the Kitchen cooking dinner. It was late June,. Reflexively, she pulled back from taking that step. Her mind rejected that illusion. She thought to turn the wand around and use the other end as she had before, but the rounded end was tending to her pussy so well, she could not bring herself to switch ends. Guided by her hand or whatever enchanted the device, she teased and pleased herself more and more.The lower end approached her opening, again and again, each time it was harder to move it away. She circled her clit, but instead of driving. I’m here most days, anytime you’re hungry for cock. You come and find me.” He said handing me back my phone.I stared at him as he left and I latched the door behind him and sat there for several minutes unable to believe what had just happened.When I returned home I watched the clip and found it turned me on immensely, my panties were already soaked in precum and I my clitty was oozing more as I watched it.I attached it to a message to daddy along with a picture of my messy caged cock. I wrote. I sat there talking about how i wanted to try it and how i didn’t know how to go about getting it for a while and then i noticed that i was starting to get a hard on from just talking about it, i was like semi there by now and tried to stop it buy just stopping talking, he asked me why i had just suddenly stopped talking and i said because im starting to get a boner, then i panicked because i couldn’t believe i had just told him that like it was nothing, im so sorry i said its fine he said and.
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