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I started to protest but Jeffery hushed me. I felt Brad’s finger begin to push into my ass. Once he had it in there he gently moved in and out. I moaned, to have Jeffery filling my pussy and feeling my son’s finger deep inside my ass was wonderful. I pushed back onto Brad’s and moaned, “one more Brad. It feels so good.” He pushed one more finger inside of me, and I squealed with delight. He didn’t keep them there very long, and soon I felt the head of his cock pushing into my virgin like hole.. ’ His smile hardened somewhat. She felt the movement in her belly as her cunt quivered and dampened. ‘What is my Master’s whim?’ She was not just damp but wet, and getting wetter by the moment! He pointed down to his cock, standing stiff and already glistening a dew-drop or pre-cum. ‘Suck it now!’ Celeste smiled hungrily and mumbled something of which the only word he caught was ‘breakfast’ as she moved down and straddled his lower legs. Then her mouth pursed a small ‘O’ and she slid her lips. Lorry asked her why she wanted to come and live with her now. Ashley had chosen to live with her dad when they divorced. They always got a long great and never had any major problems. Ashley said that she simply wanted to spend some time with her mother before she would head off to college and that she never had lived with her mother for more than a week or two since the divorce.Lorry said it was ok if I was ok with it and they Ashley would respect me in our house. She told Ashley that this. I did not answer her but just sat there staring at her with a blank expression. "Kay, what the hell do you want?" $300,000." Woman, you are bat crap crazy!" I said with amazement in my tone. "Even if I had that kind of money, I sure as hell wouldn't give it to you. I've got a business and bills up my ass. The k**s to support. But! Let's indulge ourselves. What do you want with that kind of money." I know what you're thinking!" She began. "I haven't gambled since you gave me the $5000. I want to.
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