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Ruthie knew what I was doing, and she spread her legs farther apart and bowed her back, helping me reach what I wanted. There was only a tiny amount of her fresh juice, but it was delicious. After the light snack, my tongue started slowly working its way up the inside of Ruthie’s other cheek. Once again, I avoided the puckered area, wanting to leave the best part for last. As I licked upward, Ruthie’s squirming became more pronounced and her delighted cooing grew louder, her ass was even more. I can hear your breathing getting more raspy so I back off a little as I slowly kiss my way down your feet. With 2 fingers still inside of you and kissing my way back up to your inner thighs I put my tongue back inside of you. This time though I grab your ass cheeks and take you fully into my mouth. Sucking on your Clit and hearing your screams as my tongue hits your clit repeatedly over and over again. Your body convulses as the first wave of your orgasm hits you. I place 2 fingers deep inside. When I got home, I took a nap for a couple of hours. After I woke up Ipacked up all of my clothing, which did not amount to much, filling aduffle bag and brought it upstairs. I opened a beer and then sat down andleft my Uncle a note, thanking him for letting me stay, and letting knowthat I was now officially moving out. I told him I would contact him onceI had my new address. I left the note on the kitchen table and then wentout to the front porch to wait for Ricky to pick me up. I had a. " What's going to happen?" one of the other players asked."Well, I think the Coach is going to get Andy Burkett to call him in. I doubt he's going to say no if the School Principal asks him," he said, with a grin.The Principal fouls out..."What's this I hear, you don't want to go out for the basketball team, Smokey?" I'm sorry Sir, but I can't take a chance on jamming up my fingers." You know, Smokey, we don't often get a guy with your height. That's why we'd really like it, if you'd come out.
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