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Simple is as simple does. I knew once I was in the States I could deal with him. As long as he got what he thought he wanted He would be happy. I on the other hand was not happy. He wanted me to clean, cook and be his sex slave. I had no problrms with those things as long as I had time for myself. We talked long and hard over my independance and i won a little. I was able to go shopping and that was a start. I took the bus to the mall. I was sitting in the malls food court and watch these boys. He wanted so much to creep by her door, just to be able to listen in while she was going about it. He had never seen this side of her before. Never even realized she had this side before. He knew she didn’t have any right to do what she was doing to him, and if either one of the parents found out, she’d get in hell of a lot of trouble, but he didn’t care for that. He hadn’t been so turned on in all his life, and he wasn’t going to do anything to jeopardize it. Not for anything. And she was. " I guess so. I know he does it pretty often but other stuff, no, nothing with girls." Um, well, I suppose I could do it. It should even be fun, if that's alright." Look, I would hope he would have fun learning about women and sex and, sure, it should be fun for you. I kind of envy you in a way. If you want to do it." Well, I think I do." You know what I want, right? Kindness, caring, gentleness, teach him how to please a woman, how to be a good lover." So, I guess I'm babysitting."We arranged. ..”I had reached her by the time she said, ‘fucking’. I gently wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. “Shush,” I said softly.She slumped against me and sobbed, “Stupid laws. I hate those stupid laws.”I gently walked her to Barbara’s bed and sat down with her under my arm. I rubbed her arm gently, “What laws?”“The marriage laws, if I’m not married by midnight tomorrow when I turn twenty-five I can’t inherit. I also have to produce a female child before I’m thirty. I don’t want the stupid.
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