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Two of them dragged me to my feet and continued to punch me as the third looked through my wallet. They stopped beating me up and whispered together. From my address, they knew that I lived only a couple of hundred yards from the alley. They ordered me to get dressed and marched me out of the alley, the other girls had gone, the school bus had passed, they said they were going to take the morning off school to deal with me, they marched me back to my flat.Inside they made me strip naked again,. I told Riya that I am about to enter. As I entered the bathroom I saw her lying on the bathroom floor, crying partially covered up by her towel. I told her not to cry I am here. Then I went near her and closed my eyes when I tried to help her get on her feet.She told me not to open eyes until she says so. After I made her stand up I could sense that she was trying to cover herself up with a towel. In the process, her left boob was barely knocking on my chest. I started to feel weirdly horny. I. After the next few miles passed she watched for a clearing through the trees she wanted to be off the path just in case. After a bit more she found a spot she thought would open up about 50 to a hundred feet off the beaten track into the woods, to get that far the woods were thick and branches reached out and scratched her arms legs and torso occasionally causing her to cry out. After a couple hundred feet she was sure she had made the wrong decision and that she wouldn’t find a clearing. It struck me that this was the type of guy Jen used to go for when she was single. I started to get mischievous thoughts. I asked Steve if he was interested in fooling my wife into thinking he was me. He said sure, why not. I described Jen to him and told him where he would find her. I also gave him the voice changer I had got for my costume and he headed off. I moved close to where Jen was standing so that I could watch. Steve walked over and started chatting to Jen. As the time passed Jen was.
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