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Her stomach roiled at the memory, and threatened to empty it's contents all over the little house she sat in. All over the paisley print table cloth and the yellowed linoleum floor. She choked it back down. Tommy was her son. Hers! She would protect him in spite of himself. She thought of how she and her husband had dreamed of two children. A boy first, and then a girl. A beautiful little girl that she could teach all about life. She could teach all about being a girl and then, when the time. "I'm envious," he said. "I want one too!" Sorry, only one to a customer," Eleanor shot back with a laugh.Eleanor helped Robert move that afternoon. With that simple act, they began a commitment to each other that would be permanent. When she thought about it afterward, this was easily as reckless as her first relationship and marriage. She had known him for less than two days.She had been so cautious in the past thirteen years not to make that same mistake and yet, she had plunged headlong into. They were pretty drunk. I pushed the guys aside and handed her a Blue Moon, "Here darling, let's find a quieter spot, shall we?" She took the beer hesitantly, she looked at me, then at the group of guys, and followed me upstairs. We opened a door, hoping to find some peace and quiet, but unfortunately the room was taken by a couple already out of their clothes and fucking the hell out of each other; we laughed as we shut the door. I doubt that they even noticed us. We walked down the. It wasn’t until around noon that I finally got in the shower and ‘deep’ cleaned. I even used my dildo for a long time to be sure my vagina was well serviced. I was surprised that my pussy was not sore.After cleaning up and dressing, I did my errands, paid some bills and just enjoyed the day from my wonderful weekend high. I couldn’t help but picture Marlene and her fantasy of my affair. I’m sure she had to use the rest room several times to masturbate. I’m also sure, she was flashing her.
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