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?I asked you a question!? Edgar shouted as he slappedJulie?s large bra encased breasts. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! ?Oooooooowwwww! Please don?t hurtme,? Julie wailed. ?No! No! I?ve never seen one,? Doug stammered, realizing toolate that he should have answered Edgar immediately.? ?You don?t catch on very fast, do you, Doug,? Edgar said. He walked back behind Julie and cut her skirt up the middle.Then he slowly moved it away, exposing her wide spread legs and her nakedpussy. Tears once again welled. She tended to avoid thoughts on her existence, but she wondered 'Who amI? What am I?'. 'I have been living here in VR for what? Three years?More? There's no way my body could have survived in the real worldwithout sustenance, could it? I could go for what: three days withoutwater and maybe a week without food? How could my body possibly surviveout there? Could Alice er Alan somehow be keeping my body alive?'**************Lindsey was giddy with excitement and hope 'I'm so close!' Bob. Irene was in fuck heavennow, she was moaning and thrashing about a little, butI held on and when I stuck my tongue in her cunt hole,she screamed into my pussy and let loose a gusher ofher hot cum into my mouth.I was ecstatic, I couldn’t believe how much I lovedtasting her cunt juice, I now attacked her pussy with avengeance. We took turns making each other cum until wewere both so fucked out, we went right to sleep wherewe where, covered in each others cum. Irene woke me around two in the. Shelooked at her watch. "We're just in time." She said as the school bellrang. The periods sped by, until first recess. Juliet and Chris were able toslip into the lost and found quiet easily. Luck was very much on Chris'sside, she was able to assemble a complete rugby kit including a pair ofcleats, which had not been there, she was sure, the day before. The bell rang and the friends separated. For the first time Chris feltfrightened. The boys from hers and another class all filed into.
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