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Cassidy sometimes got like this after a few drinks; it was normal, something to tease her about the next morning. Besides, she thought shakily, it wasn't like enjoying it meant she was bi or anything. She'd just been frustrated lately, and ooh, Cassidy had such deft hands...Then Cassidy pulled back, and part of Melinda was disappointed."You know, there is another way to have exercise." She grinned cheekily, and Mel knew she was going somewhere with this."You know sex burns calories, right? Just. He spits it onto my tits and then puts his mouth back to my pussy and begins to tongue around my clit fast. Flickering his tongue over it fast back and forth then in little circles then pushing his tongue into my pussy. Even though i had just fucked the largest cock in my life i was still tight around the new strangers tongue squeezing it hard. His hands where on my lips as i pushed my hips into his mouth feeling my body begin to tingle and making me moan on the fat cock pushing in and out of. TwoThe drive took about an hour. Traffic was okay, a little sluggish hereand there, and I was deliberately taking my time due to my apprehension.I had absolutely no idea what Flo had planned for me. She wanted me tosit at a bar, having a drink. It didn't sound like a biggie. It waslunch-time so there might be a bit of a rush on, but I doubted anybodywould notice my underwear. My nails, sure.......But I could handle that.I pulled onto the spacious car park. Of course, my cell could chime atany. A daily run combined with twice a week gym workouts meant she kept herself in great shape with hardly any sign of any surplus fat on her fantastic body. She was about five feet seven tall, with full firm breasts, not overly large, but generous nevertheless, a nice flat stomach, wide hips, and long well-toned legs. She was a natural brunette but had recently dyed her shoulder length hair strawberry blonde, although you could still see her dark roots in places. She had lovely brown eyes, soft.
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