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She turned her head and sucked my cock into her mouth. She was sucking better now than ever before. All i could do was watch my friends hard dick, glistening with her juice, slam in and out of my girlfriends well oiled cunt.Tom grabbed her by the hips and literally threw her in the air and onto her belly. He pulled her ass up into the air by her hips and d**g her to the edge of the bed.She reached for my dick and i slid to her. She rested her head on my thigh and waited for Tom to insert his. “Just asking the lady…”“My wife.”“For a dance.”“And she said no.” I shrugged my shoulders.“Well while you were dancing with the freak, I thought a real man…”A hand appeared on his shoulder and pulled him away.“Sorry, he’s had a skinful, it’s not a good excuse, sorry.”Nicola looked shattered, even more than she had before.“I think it’s time to call it a night,” I said to Alice.She walked out with us and we waited while her taxi arrived. While waiting Nicola asked to exchange phone. His lips were light as air, fluttering all the way down to the small of her back, while his hands ran down her side along her hips and around her curves. She turned toward him and he slid his hands around her waist, his fingers pulling down her navy blue thong. His lips slowly came within centimeters of her lips, she kept her mouth partially open, already breathing in short and rapid breaths, waiting for his lips to meet hers. He kissed her so softly but lingered long enough for her to take. The two of us lay together for a moment, catching our breath while wrapped in each other’s arms. I glanced to the other side of the bed and saw that Frank was now pounding into Kathleen from behind. He wore that same intense expression as he looked directly into my eyes. I suggested to Diane that we leave the two of them alone, and we scampered around them and crept down the stairs.We sat on their couch with her legs draped over my lap, still naked. We shared an insightful conversation while.
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