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What more degradation had they planned for her? She must have drifted off.When Jenny awoke, the handcuffs had gone and she could move her arms again, but her tits were still bound up tight and hurting. She was now wearing thick leather gloves, taped on at the wrist – Jenny tried touching herself. She could just make out a fat cable leaving her arse, taped onto her right thigh, going to some weird control box on the bed. Ana was above her; spiked nipple rings grazing against her stomach –. "I had gym later and changed next to Sam and Ian. All guys watched each other when young to compare size. Ian though stared longer and I got an uncomfortable feeling before I pulled up my shorts to go into the gym. I didn't know if Ian was going through a phase, just comparing, or leaning more towards males. Boys interested me when I was young but that was just a part of growing up. I never did anything about it.It was snowing again after school, no surprise there. We collected some lake effect. ”“Aren’t you coming as well?” when Erica and I fucked other people, it was always together, that was the deal – we both agreed we are perfectly at liberty to have sex with other people, so long as it was together, it’s a very good formula, it satisfies the desire for sexual adventurism, and solves the jealously issue at the same time.“No. It’s OK, I don’t mind – this time.” Erica was very particular about our arrangement, but this was a sanctioned one-off case. “Besides, I think her boyfriend. However, in some ways, from the way it turned Bill on to hear her talk about her ex-boyfriends, she should really have suspected a request like that. She had assented, making absolutely sure that Ginny Weasley was okay with it. Ginny and Fleur had never really been on friendly terms with each other Fleur knew the redhead was always making faces behind her back and Fleur had no reason to make her only sister-in-law even more biased than she already was. But Bill had told her his sister had given.
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