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But approximately whole bus was dozing. Now bus ruff ride was moving my fingers up-down, side-by-side, some time vertical motion and some time random circular motion.She had surrenders her body to bus motion totally and her motions were rhythmically with bust jerk. I could felt it was raining inside. A river was flowing. It became so creaming and soft inside like hot knife going in butter slice. Her hot body fragrance was evaporating. Moon light was making many shadows on us. I felt there were. Her head landed onto the floor and I got around her and aimed for her ass hole. I stretched all my fingers out like an arrow and shoved them in her ass. “I may as well go through the back door and out the front instead,” I grunted at her. She collapsed on her belly and as she yelled. I pulled her head back by the hair and she started screaming. Now I had another idea come to mine. I thought if she wanted to knee and kick me then let’s see how she takes this. Again I roughly pulled out of her. She Spanked me across my panties for a minute and then another and still two more minutes.SPANK! WHACK! SLAP! WHAP! The spanking made a strange noise as her hard spanks warmed my bottom.Kim’s POV:I could see the redden bottom globes turn a bright red under the thin white cotton panties as well as the lower cheeks. The spanks were not overly harsh but the cumulative effect turned her” Ouch” to soft cries as he finished up the first segment of her spankingWhap! Slap! Spank! Crack! Whack!An. Fay said she had gotten out of the car and started walking. Jimmy had caught her and wrestled her down on the pine straw. He had slapped her several times and told her to do as she was told or he would start using his fists on her. Fay had still tried to get away, he had hit her in her stomach with his fist, Fay gave in.He had knocked her breath away.Fay said he made her undress completely. Jimmy was cruel and hurt her a lot while he raped her. He had put her out where he had picked her up.
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