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" Come on in mate" said Dom, "You're our first customer so it's on the house. Our special for the day is egg and bacon in a roll with a side salad,how's that sound?" For free? Sound's bloody good to me mate, does the pot of tea come with that as well?" Sure does, grab a seat and we'll fix you up straight away."I rustled up his food while Dom told him about our plans for the future."You're in a good spot here Dom, most of us truckies don't like leaving our trucks if we can't see them. In the. {Happy Thanksgiving, } Jude said as she sat down.{Well, I'll be damned. Happy Thanksgiving. I had totally forgotten.}{Happy Thanksgiving, } Missy said. {I had forgotten too.}{At least the rest of your family is aware of the world around us. Bonnie and Thelma are planning a big dinner. The turkey is already roasting.}{Thank God for Bonnie, } I said.{Amen, } Missy agreed.{Are we going to be scanning for Hunt again today?} Jude asked.{I had planned to, but with it being Thanksgiving, I don't know,. ."He undid his robe, shrugged his shoulders and let the silky garment drop to the floor. He stood naked with his hands on his hips. His big cock was at the same level as my face. "So, Ben......" Yes Mr Dixon." "You can see I'm ready for you." Yes sir" I've been stroking myself since you came by earlier" "Yes sir" I already came once, what a waste! But my pills are working fine. I think I have another one in me" Yes sir" Or... in you, Ben."I smiled at his joke."Will you suck it? You came back,. " - she thought for an excuse for him to come - "I have a party, yeah." "Sure," said John, who also liked Tadeesha. Tadeesha wasn't black; she was mostly tanned, really brown, but she wasn't black. John, on the other hand, was completely white. They were both pretty short for 16 year olds, but that didn't matter. They liked each other, and that was it. That night, John turned up at Tadeesha's house. Tadeesha brought him around the house. "Where's the party?" said John. "Oh, they're not here.
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