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Salome was a lesbian. I thought back on all those times we made love. Was she faking it? I didn’t want to think about it. But I couldn’t stop. Yeah, my woman was a lying, cheating whore. And she lied to me about everything. She lied to me about the way she swung. I can’t believe I actually bought her a ring. Maybe all those times we were in bed together she was picturing a woman in her mind while having sex with me. I was going to make her pay. I distanced myself from Salome, while also keeping. Harris lying in a lounge chair watching her. Linda waived and walked over.Alongside of Dr. Harris was a younger black lady in a tiny bikini. She was not anywhere as young as Linda. The woman looked beautiful and had a tight body with firm tits, not sagging like many older women she knew. She was older than Linda was but a good twenty years or so younger than Dr. Harris.Dr. Harris was laid back in a reclining position and the woman had hold of Dr. Harris's cock and was just leisurely stroking it. Dad gave Glen and me new suitcases and told us we could take whatever would fit in them.Day 1 – Surprise SurpriseTime flew and the next thing I knew, we were flying to Florida. We landed at seven o'clock in the morning and took a shuttle to the pier. I couldn't believe the size of the ship, or the number of people lined up to get on it. Dad told Glen and me that the cruise ship wasn't one of the larger ones. He said that the cruise catered to families with older children.Looking around, I. We could easily get robbed in addition to contracting a life altering STD. At the restaurant there were two topics of conversation that dominated our meal. As to be expected our conversation began in excited hushed tones about Han’s close brush with cunnilingus. We were both so turned on and we talked about trying to find another girl to be with us, including calling an escort. The longer we were at the restaurant though, the more our talk began to note the glacial pace of service. Apparently.
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