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Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled back into a long pretty ponytail, secured by a delicate white lace bow. In her 2" white court shoes she was about the same height as Fiona. "Hi girls, have a seat," I said as they approached. Both girls were a shining example of femininity. They knew how to dress to please and like me enjoyed wearing the most sensuous of women's clothing, but unlike me these girls were real girls and I was a transvestite. "Andrea darling, so nice to see you again" Fiona. I immediately put two more fingers in and I'm steadily working them in a slow and steady motion. She's aching for more by now so I force what's left my pinky and thumb inside her lovely meat cave and I feel her clench up and let out a high pitch moan. She slows down on my cock as I force my large hand ever so deeper inside of her, I reach the point of no return the knuckles.......WHAM !!!!!I force them through with a violent push and she let's out a loud gasp, she grips my shaft like there's no. We used to play together, u know kind of games kids play. There were only few kids in our locality. So we used to spend time together, mostly at her place. This incident happened in summer vacation. But this summer vacation I was finding something different in her.Whenever we were alone she used to pinch my thigh or pull my cheeks. First I thought she was doing with affection but she used to give me a strange smile while doing so. At that age I dint know what she meant, but latter I came to. After drinking a gulp I tried to talk with my mom. Then I saw through the window of kitchen that Sobha aunty was coming to our house. So immediately I ran out to my room so that she could not see me in the kitchen as she must be coming to my mommy. I sat in my room and in my mind I was counting the moments when my mommy will call me and start beating. But till some minutes I did not get something like that and found both Sobha aunty and my mom indulged in some other topic. So I felt myself.
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