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He froze when he saw the bodies. He looked around the crowd and asked, “Where’s Texas Jack?”The homeless gathered in the area looked around for Texas Jack. It was odd that he wasn’t there. Texas Jack almost never left the Homeless Hotel without putting Chuck Wagon in charge. One of the men said, “I don’t know. He should be around here somewhere.”“Would someone find him?”The men spread out to search for the man. After a few minutes, one of the homeless called out from the small storage shack, “I. If you like it, fine. If not, well that’s OK too. I certainly hope you read it. It’s a long read, but I think it will be worth it in the end. If you are going to search for errors and mistakes, I’m sure you will find plenty, as this is self-edited, but please don’t let human error distract you from the story. Chapter 4 Ross I plan to marry this girl. She will be my wife one day. That’s one of the reasons I stopped. I took a moment to admire her beauty. She is beautiful with deep brown skin,. Stephanie's were cut about as high as they could be. Hers were not hemmed and the edges were unraveling. Gabriella's were hemmed and the ends of the pockets did not show. Both women were wearing the chocolate colored climbing boots with metal eyelets that went to the tops that ended just below their knees. Their long wool socks were folded up over the tops of the boots to make them look like a pair. Their long-sleeves were about the only way to tell them apart. Stephanie's were left long and. I had just finished washing my dinner dishes when the phone rang. I wiped my hands off with the dish towel and answered it."Hello?" Hi." What do you want Misty?" You." You had me Misty, but apparently I wasn't enough." That isn't true Rob. I need to talk to you. Can I come over?" No Misty, you can't come over. I can't see that we have anything that needs discussing." Please Rob, just give me fifteen minutes." I don't think so Misty, goodbye."As I hung up the phone I wondered what she could.
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