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" Daniel," I said. My smile widened and I moved closer to them. While Iwasn't completely up in their personal space, I was near enough thatmy territory was cleared marked for any other guy who might have haddesigns on the pair. "What brings you two beauties out this evening?"Jasmine giggled, but Kara leaned toward me, jade green eyes boringinto my own."I'm on a mission to help a friend," she said, giving me a sly wink."Jasmine, here, hasn't had a decent fucking in far too long."I blinked,. I went back to the living room where I left the electronic gear I had used in the days before the industrial park adventure. It hadn't been quite two months, but I had been gone long enough to accumulate junk mail on the computer and a long list of voice mail messages on my cell phone.I turned on the water before I began thinking about the messages. I had the coffee cooking while I checked my open Email which mostly held spam about camera's, and of course penis enlargement, cheap Viagra, and. She's becoming more and more controlling and angry."She paused for a bit then said, "I see." She's also been very..." I paused not sure what to say."What is it?" Well she's become quite violent, hitting me for no reason, grabbing me hard and without any care. I'm black and blue from it all. I'm sorry to be telling you like this but I really don't know what else to do. It's like she's a different person. She is angry, violent, and out of control all the time. I don't want to get her into. She said this was the best part, where two cocks were fucking her at the same time. One pounding her pussy and the other pounding her mouth.I asked her to sit on his face and she did so, getting into a 69 with him and sucking his cock. I was filming her, first with her lips bobbing up and down on his knob, then with his face buried deep in juicy mound. I asked her as we filmed"What are you going to do with that cock?" I'm going to fuck it" she replied"How?" I asked"I'm going to ride it" said.
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