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As I will listen to you ... we have much to share ... many feelings to reveal..." Yes..." even without Calyndi's hypnotic eyes, this woman would probably have been drawn to her, but now she was helpless to resist. Calyndi beckoned to her, letting her lips spread into a warm, yet playful smile – all the while keeping the woman's gaze locked with her own."Come to me ... let go with me ... we can let go ... together..."The woman was walking forward now, her legs seeming to move of their own accord. You, Jim, go phone the ambulance and fire service. Mick, Seamus, gimme a hand here. Davy, Get the Load-all driver to get his forks in there!’ Jack indicated with a nod of his head to the place he wanted them. ‘Just get him to take the weight. Don’t let him lift it. That’s it! Enough! Mick, Seamus, pull them out.’ Mick and Seamus dragged two bodies clear of the distorted pile of scrap construction equipment. ‘GET THEM CLEAR’ Other men rushed forward to help the rescuers. ‘GET BACK! Davy, get. Just follow me."I led her down the hall to a door."Oh, just one thing more, Mr. Malone The inseminator, the donor—who will he be?" Me," I replied. "I will be your inseminator." Fine," she said. Well, that's okay, she thought. He's distingushed looking and he's husky and stout.I opened the door and we entered a soft-lighted well-decorated room with a plush long wide sofa and soft background music "Please, sit on the sofa, Ann," I said. I poured her a glass of wine and sat with her on the sofa.. ..Yes, right there"! Louise sexily continued to extoll her wanton ways over her young lover in the master bedroom as she reached for a pink slick vibrator and got one for herself." Linda, Louise demanded, Do slide this on my wet cunt bitch, NOW!" LINDA eagerly did so with lust in her eye." Louise I know our pink little friends here will satisfy us"! Don't you know it my little hot cunt licker"! Louise was especially fond of Linda's talented tongue as she diddled her own clit with the vibrator..
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