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Twenty minutes later Tank and Joe coordinated their ejaculations and shot simultaneously. The grunts emanating from the two throughout our fuck was remarkable. After they disengaged Tank fell to his knees and took my load in his mouth. After showering, we dried off and went downstairs.We all helped with breakfast. An hour later, Jeff and I were back at respective homes. Tank apparently only left on Monday morning and by the end of the following week, Tank had moved in with Jeff and Joe.At our. Cynthia smiled encouragingly in William's direction, but he was concentrating too hard to notice. He was not stupid, far from it, but math wasn't his strongest subject at all. He would still get a good grade, she knew, he was just careful and therefore used all the time they got. Cynthia sighed. Well, he would have to turn his test in soon.Her thoughts drifted toward the wedding once again. At least she had her dress on already, to spare time. It was a bit strange to take a math exam in such a. Janice slowly moved down as she took the full length into her and she then remained still as her body got accustomed to once again having Jason's hard penis wedged inside. Jason reached out and fingered Janice's nipples as she started to move up and down his pole.Janice gasped from time to time as she moved her body up and down and tightened and loosened her muscles as she felt tremors of pleasure. Jason was fondling her breasts as he felt his penis stimulated by Janice's movements. Janice. Tammy's now seventeen and we've been fucking ever since that night.Then, one day, not too long ago, her younger sister, Jennifer, came home unexpectedly and found out that Tammy and I were upstairs fucking. When she confronted me later about it, it simply scared the shit out of me until she said that all she wanted is for me to fuck her too. Well, she was twelve, nearly thirteen, and a budding beauty.So, now, I'm fucking both my daughters though Tammy doesn't know about Jenn.Then, one day as.
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