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G. slid into bed next to me and cradled me in his arms, it was then I found out that Mr. G. was naked. His huge old penis throbbed against my young thigh as his rough hands explored my young nubile body. Mr. G. whispered softly to me 'Larry, Larry, your mother is at it again. SHHH, be still and it won't be long, I'll be quick...' I wondered what he meant. I heard him spit and felt his fingers spread his goo between my buttocks and probe my anus with his fingers. I tried to move away when Mr. G.. ‘Four guineas to have me, Gabriel.’ I smiled at him in the window. ‘I hope you have the money because I will certainly enjoy it too and will endeavour to give complete satisfaction.’ I wriggled my bum again, pressing back against his hard cock.‘Well, I’m damned,’ he eventually managed to say after a range of emotions from anger to confusion and finally, wry amusement passed over his face.‘So have I disappointed you?’‘You’ve surprised me, certainly. I had no inkling you were a professional. From this point onwards, rather than me narrating this incident I thought it shall be better if you get the narration from Vishal himself. Hence I asked him to write down the whole thing and I’ve corrected a few grammatical errors and fine-tuned the paragraphs for ease of reading.I am Vishal and I live in a Thalasseri in Kerala with my mom Revathi. My dad works in Saudi and he usually visits once a year.When he is around, I have always seen mom in a very joyful mood. It’s not that she would be. It all happened so fast that it did not seem real.Mary was rubbing her crotch while she rode me and before my dick had squirted its last volley, Mary gave out an “Argh” and rolled her head back.Seconds later she dismounted and headed out the door, with only a warning, “you tell anyone that I fucked your nerdy ass and I will kill you”.And that folks is how I lost my virginity.Guess I should have felt fortunate as I was quite nerdy, pretty small of stature at the time and lacked any confidence.
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