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Wrapping myslender arms around her neck, I leaned up to kiss her as she would whenI carried her like this. Gently placing me on the bed, she lay down next to me and softlycaressed me. "I like swapping with you like this, I like being you,seeing you like this. I feel like im really you at times, unsure whetherim Emily or you, you know what I mean", she asked me as her fingerscircled around my breasts."I do, I know what you mean Emily, it's the headbands, what it does, Idon't know how, but, it. " Her eyes teared up. "I mean I WANT to, but I DON'T want to. It's all so confusing!"Sam patted the girl's shoulder. "I know. I felt all those things. It about drove me crazy. But I have an idea." What?" asked Amy, wiping her eyes."You remember the first time you and Phillip saw us? At the drive-in?"Amy's head almost exploded as the image of Sam leaning over George's hard prick, rivers of white running from her nose, filled Amy's mind. She grimaced."I know it LOOKED terrible," said Samantha.. .. make him more greedy...."Let's go back upstairs" i said.Still trying to seduce him even more, i ran in front of him in the direction of the stairs, he now could see my thong and ass. I loved it , made me feel like a slut, and knew we were about to have some fun.Once we were "ready to go" we decided to watch some porn. He liked "shemale" movies and while we were watching some of that, i was getting hornier by the minute.In his eyes, i could read "sex". I felt very comfortable by his. hard", she whispered, in the sexiest most seductive voice I've ever heard. Slowly she stroked him, her hand dwarfed by his manhood as his face exposed the pleasure he was feeling. The sexual tension was intense, energized even more by the taboo of their lust.Soon she released her hand and moved onto the bed. As he turned his back to me, she climbed on all fours. Seducing him with her dance, she moved her ass to the music, as her hair tossed back and forth."Oh yes, you are so.
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