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Feyla is over, once I've had the chance to wear that fancy dress - thenI'll switch back to being Marshall.What hasn't been so great is all the extra attention I'm getting fromthe boys on campus.And that's what they are: Boys. They are *not* men. They are justdrooling, panting, not-house-trained annoying mutts. I'm working in thelibrary and one just decides to sit right next to me, even though allof the other tables are empty. Like... what are you doing? I glare athim, but he just looks back. The problem was that it seemed to me like the enemy had far too many troops. We'd engage the army and kill or capture thousands of men. Holland told us about engagements with the slavers and reported similar numbers. Still, every time we turned around there were thousands more of the enemy facing us on the battlefield."Danny was beginning to get suspicious and sent a man to watch Holland. I think that man was captured and confessed to Holland that Danny Sun suspected him of misreporting the. In the middle of the room, was Tims Mom. She was kneeling on a clear plastic sheet. It stretched from one side of the room to other. She was completely naked, except for her white high heels on her feet. She had her hair tied back, held with a rubber band. Her huge breasted were glistening from sweat, cum and salvia. Surrounding her from left to right, forming a circle were the married couples from the party. Each husband would walk in front of Tims mother and orgasm on her. Then there wifes. ..I know you, your lust feeds Me every day as you worship in honor of My Cock"I told Him that I was His servant and lived for His Love and acceptance. He told me that this cave was the temple where His worshippers came to honor and exalt Him, deep in the bowls of the earth and from where His lust flowed to all his devoted followers! I fell to my knees and He lowered his beautiful Cock for me take. His musk was the most powerful aroma I ever inhaled, filling my soul with His heat. I could not.
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