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She wasn’t appalled by her lack of taste. She owed Valerie that one. Valerie was always sucking up to Concertina. They, (Concertina and Valerie,) had been rather chummy lately. They, (Concertina and Valerie,) had discovered a lost long kinship of some kind. ‘I don’t want a drink,’ Valerie growled, eyeing Concertina’s beau. He and Concertina were holding serve by the piano. She had to say, he was a rather tasty dish. ‘He’s rather yummy,’ Michele chirped, taking a sip of champagne. Michele saw. I’d appreciate any comments on the story, good or bad, as they’ll spur me on to write more and either improve or keep it up! Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy and want to read more… *** Chapter 1 – Story Introduction *** Jack wondered through the town’s ‘scare fair’ alone. He’d lost his friends when they all entered the haunted house together. Walking through the main door, they all decided to take the three different routes into the house by themselves, saying that it would be more. I specially love the stories on mothers. I started to look my mom in a sexier look. She wears sarees mostly dark colored ones and always wears mangalasutra around her neck. This really makes her appear sexy. She being fair, the dark colored sarees used to suit her very much. She has firm breasts and good butts. She also ties her saree below her navel.Whenever she tucks her pallu in her waist, her navel would be seen. This is the sexiest thing I have ever seen in her, yet. Even when I observe, I. Morgan didn’t bother to whisper back. “Welcome to Lexi,” she replied, taking a sip from her Palm Bay afterwards. “If it has to do with sex, she’s interested, either to get some or to hear all about it.”The sun was setting, so those of us who were left moved inside. It wasn’t as crowded as the pool party was, but there were still a good twenty-to-thirty people there, and a few of them had broken off to do stuff in other rooms. Three guesses what.I watched Morgan take another sip. “I thought you.
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