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"But all that time I was really thinking about was this...." As I gave his cock a hard squeeze. "Is that right?" he whispered softly in my ear. "Oh…Yesss!" As I started to unzip his pants, his fingers started moving faster inside me as I was trying hard not to let my knees give way. I pulled his cock out of his pants and started to move it up and down slowly. I could feel him breathing heavily on my neck as he faintly moaned at my touch. I felt him press his cock against my ass and I. After standing still for the first five minutes making sure the students were engrossed in their reading, she started the long walk around the room. Sandy walked slowly, that seemed to minimize the effect of those infernal balls. However it was taking a long time to complete the trip and the accumulative effect was pushing her to her climax. She started to walk faster as she needed to get to her desk before she came. Just as she reached it Sandy was barely hanging on, she needed to sit to calm. I'll do my best to get the plane fixed and be in New York as soon as I can. I'll call you at your New York office, shall I?" Yes. Thanks, James." With the impatient Marianne fuming beside him in the back of the Lincoln, "Ranny" murmured politely to Sanford,"If you please, Sanford. Let's be on our way." Surely, suh." Sanford, back in "po' sharecropper" mode, put the car in gear and drove carefully over the slightly bumpy gravel of the airport road to the "highway" which wound in two-lane. I certainly imagined her using both hands to stuff his veiny meat into her mouth, both of them groaning with pleasure. The sounds of fucking were clear--the slapping of his hips against her ass, his balls slapping forward, her cries as she climbed higher and closer to her peak. Gary came first--his guttural cries very familiar--and then she came, with very loud, high-pitched cries that made me wonder if she needed medical help. And then they collapsed on the bed. It was quiet for a while--quite.
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