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As we danced I said to her “Chandrima, this is not the real you” & she said “Why do you say that” I said “You do not feel natural, and it seems that you are all padded” The look that came into her eyes was mystifying. Anyway, the dance got over and we went back into the bedroom, leaving the kids to themselves. I kept glancing at Chandrima, and noticed that she too was looking at me, but she somehow looked different. Dinner was served and after every1 had finished, I offered to help clear up,. Burk?" I saw her elevator eyes run up and down my body slowly. "Kerry told me about the other night. She told me about how you approached her about having sex and how she told you no and that she wanted to wait." My face turned flush white and I was quickly embarrassed and in shock. "Do you or do you not have any respect for my daughter?" I did not know what to say and before I could think of anything she told me to move closer. " She looked me in the eyes and told me I needed to be punished. I had reason to be bitter, lots of reason. The tears flowed, and that almost nightly too, even now.It isn't exactly true what they say: time isn't the healer of all things. There might be other healing agents out there, but time was definitely not one of them, not to my mind. Six months and not a word from my ex, who wasn't even my ex. Well, not as far as I knew: I'd never gotten any papers. And, I sure as heck hadn't filed myself. So, as far as I knew, we were still man and wife—or—maybe man. ”“OK.”We finished our Cokes. I put the bottles into the carton for return.I went back to her and said, “Let’s start with a shower, OK?”“Sounds like fun!”I led her to the small bathroom. I decided I preferred watching to acting, so I unbuttoned my shirt, took it off, and dropped it on the floor. She did the same, revealing a plain white bra. She didn’t dress sexy for this. All business.I took off my socks, then removed my jeans, and stood there in just my underwear. Kellie did the same, and was.
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