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..." he paused."If what?" I asked. He looked me in the eyes. "If you tell me that youwant me back and you're sorry we ever got divorced."I sat there at his and Katherine's kitchen table looking like her anddressed entirely in her things, having just prepared him his lunch. Iknew I couldn't let him tell Veronica or Katherine, or anyone for thatmatter. I started to speak and didn't believe the words that came outof my mouth."I want you back Frank. I'm so sorry we got divorced--it was all. The viewer came alive featuring a woman, much younger and prettier than me, sucking one of many cocks that formed a circle around her. Clad only in her ponytail, she feasted on penis after penis in the frenzied orgy.As nervous as I was, my lust grew as I watched the young girl in the movie. To be ravished by so many attractive men was beyond anything I could imagine. Tom would tell me about gangbangs and how much he wanted to watch me do one. Of course, this was while his cock was slowly. I approach a cliff, which sticks out from the mountain, like a gray and brown massive wall. And in it a narrow crack, 20 feet wide and some 60 feet deep, filled with a clear pool of water, which feeds the stream I follow. Yet one can see beyond this break in the wall of cliff and open area beyond, the sun is bright the day pleasantly warm. I am drawn to see what lies beyond this cleft before me the water clear and inviting.I shed my cloths and savor the caress of the breeze and warmth of the. On its sleeve it had the unit patch logo of the Hyperion.Zezz squeezed my shoulder with his big claw hands. “Take care of yourself and keep your fangs clean and your honor true.”I could not really explain why my throat felt constricted, and fighting tears. He was an ugly, frightening looking Shiss and yet I felt a deep affection for him like everyone aboard. “Yes Sir I will and thank you Sir, for giving me this chance and this experience to serve among the finest beings I ever had the honor to.
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