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That night Ted was the one to fall asleep first. I kept lying there, wide awake, thinking about what he had told me at dinner. I had never had a friend like him. His honesty really affected me. I realized that our friendship was becoming more and more intimate. We had been close before but now we were taking it to a whole other level. I hoped we could both handle it. I hoped I could handle it. When we were in the restaurant and he was speaking to me in that direct way of his about his childhood. I stepped back to her desk and as she bent over her keyboard to deposit the phone back in its place the front of her dress gapped open further than the back. Looking down in that instant I saw the lacey cups of her bra that was also gapping open and her erect nipple screamed at me to “take a picture it lasts longer,” the old cliché we used so many times in my life.Her bra was a fiber fill, what we used to think of as lightly padded, long before anyone thought of the push up bra. I could see the. Her simple and direct, “No,” was punctuated by that look. She never said, “No, thank you,” even to one of the partners who approached her. She made it an unequivocal non-negotiable, “No.”By the time her first month had passed, the horndogs had given up and her value as an attorney was beginning to be recognized. She worked the long hours and didn’t complain. Her work was complete, and without mistakes. Her evaluation of reams of material cut to the chase and was reliable, according to her. Then I shouted the names of my roommates and soon realized that I was alone at home. Everyone had left for the college. Actually it was the last night’s hangover that made me sleep that late. Oh jesus! I thought it was going to be another boring day for me but soon I proved to be wrong.I went downstairs to have a cup of tea. I kept an umbrella with me as it was raining heavily outside. I had just finished my cup when I saw a scooter coming towards me. What a scene it was. A completely wet girl,.
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