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Sie hatte es wirklich eilig, keine Zeit verlieren. Es dauerte auch nicht lange, bis sein Prachtexemplar die gewünschte Härte und Größe hatte um die gewünschte Arbeit zu verrichten. Dan drehte sie mit dem Gesicht zur Wand. Erste Tröpfchen, die er an ihren Beinen spürte signalisierten ihm, welche notgeile Schlampe sich ihm gerade anbot. Sie sollte bekommen, was sie brauchte. Einen Fick. Einen Kolben, der sie befriedigte, fürs Erste zumindest. Hier ging es nicht um irgendwelche Spiele, hier wollte. I guess I must have assumed wrong.Adding to the humiliation was the fact that, when Prince Hal showed up the next week in Morgantown, I would be expected to act as if all I'd ever been to Tess was her caddie and bus driver. I couldn't even openly compete for my girl.Double-bummer! I wasn't just emasculated, I was supposed to play the part of Will the Eunuch for the duration of Hal's little homecoming.So then, what was supposed to happen after Boyfriend went back home to resume his own. Leave it, and come here right now.” It didn’t even register that she hadn’t covered herself up, or even removed the dildo from her ass. When I was standing next to her, she reached back down to her pussy and started rubbing her clit. I was stunned. “Show me what you were just doing, baby,” she said, looking down at my still stiff cock. “Uh, you mean this?” I started stroking my dick again. I was beginning to understand that I might not be in trouble, but still couldn’t comprehend what was. She commutes by carpooling so let’s use that as a way to communicate. Next day Vidya took the car to the office.By night 9 PM Sandhya started searching through her mobile for female car-poolers. To the luck of ours and bad luck of her, Sandhya gave request to Vidya for pooling. Vidya kept a secret dash cam on the car to feed the action live between her and Sandhya.Vidya wore a tight shirt (her boobs were begging to get out of her outfit) and black jeggings on that day showing her curvy sexy.
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