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Mmm!" Amy moaned, her head shifting backwards as she closed her hands in response to me fingering her.My hand ran backwards again, as my finger started to slide out before I returned once more. It entered her tight wet hole to delve deeper into her warm body. This time, I wriggled it around slightly inside. My finger slithered and swirled through the wet hole, caressing and touching her inner walls of her soaked pussy. I then slid a second finger inside, slipping through the tight hole and. “Sorry,” I said like I often do.“I’m not a bit sorry,” you replied; giggling like you always do.You knew, didn’t you, just knew they were tears of joy. Understood that right then I couldn’t find the words. Not like you, Miss, you found the perfect words; you always do.“I love you, baby,” you said. Others have said that to me, you know. But no one has ever got close to adding, “I love you for who you are.”For who I am. For who I am. God, there have been times when I’ve hated who I am. When the. As we pulled apart, she looked me up and down."Wow, you look wonderful!" I giggled and blushed a little. "Dressed upfor something special?" Na, I just decided to dress up," I said as nonchalantly as I could.Her yellow tee-shirt displayed a vague picture of rows and columns ofsymbols in blocks of various colors. "I like your tee-shirt. It's abit nerdy; it suits you. I can't remember, but I think I've seen itbefore."It's the periodic table of the elements. You know, hydrogen,. Next to me, Danny whispered that she looked radiant and I smiled again."Why don't you just say that she's fucking gorgeous?" I whispered."You're in a church Lenny," he hissed back at me, "Have some fucking respect." Bollocks." Fucking twat." Are you sure you've got the ring?" Oh fuck," he exclaimed. "Oh shit Lenny, I left it in, in --. " Where is it you prat?" I hissed,"In my pocket, where else?" he chuckled.I wanted to smack him, but he pulled my sleeve and whispered that my mother's friend.
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