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Besides, what would you say about us?’ John asked. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Would you say we slept in separate huts? The Coast Guard guys know that’s not true. How would you explain our living arrangements?’ ‘Well … I don’t know. I see your point. Maybe just tell the truth. How are you going to do it?’ Em questioned. ‘I’ll probably just tell what happen. Stick to the truth,’ John claimed as well, thoughtfully. ‘They don’t need all the details anyway, just the facts about how we fell in love. I’ll. Chris smiled at his mother's embarrassment and led her into the restaurant."Corner booth please," Chris said to the young female hostess.The young girl couldn't hide her surprise as she looked at the young man and then the obviously older woman... dressed like a slut.When they were seated at the booth, Chris turned and kissed his mother. When he pulled away, he said, "Take off the sweater, it's dark enough in here." Chris," Allison protested, but saw no reprieve in his eyes.She slipped the. "Meiersdottir nodded, more to herself than them. "Good," she mused. "Solid. Strong. The way it should be. The way it was with your grandfather and me."They both shifted uncomfortably; personal discussions among them were rare, and this was uncharted territory.She looked up sharply, now fully focused. "But it's not right even so. AC"—another departure; she rarely used their Eden Rescue nickname—"should do this together. And so you will. Carlie, you're not staying on Earth because of me.". "Well it gets cold fast out here at night, I think we should get what we can carry and head toward that way station," he answered her.There wasn't much to carry outside of what they had brought with them. A first aid kit and a rifle Tia had placed in the machine before leaving. Roy had the foresight to bring a water bottle and his own gun and ammo in his pack.Now it was a couple of miles hike back to the cabin. It was still warm as they started off and Tia seemed to be leading the way. Roy had.
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