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You’ll get three grand, cash.” “What’s the work in the club,” I asked.“Lets call it hostess,” he replied. I knew what hostess work was. I knew too, that if he was paying that amount of money it would be a hardcore shoot. I looked at Gerry, but the bastard just looked away.I hesitated, examining the options. I’d done hardcore twice, no three times before. It wasn’t what I wanted, or liked to do. But, and a big but. I needed the money. I’d be walking out of here tomorrow with three grand, maybe. Mandy tried to think back to when she had her last birthday party and it must have been when she was twelve, because her father was there. He mother told her that birthdays were over after her father had died. No more parties the next year or ever again.Her mind drifted back to that evening. It had been perfect.She knew that it didn't have to be McDonald's, but that it really was the only place. It was a natural. It was "Their Place."They even had their own "Waiter" who kept asking if they. She wanted a group of sexy men, hypnotised to do her bidding. Most of the others had predictable fantasies. Both men and a couple of the girls wanted threesomes with two of the opposite sex. Two of the girls wanted sex with a total stranger and three had rape fantasies. Their idea of rape was by a man of their choosing and done without violence. This caused a few arguments, which the men wisely kept out of.Sally, the last to go, chose sex in a public place. This was the surprising one, for. Priya asked me ever I masturbated or seen any blue films. I lied and said no then she asked me what I know about woman body. I politely replied that this is the first time and I have seen half breast of women then she told me to remove her gown as she will show me how it is so that I should think or take wrong path she told as if she was taking sex lessons for me. I followed her instruction and removed her gown now she was in bra and panty I could see her body her beautiful breast and milky.
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