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She arrived at the day care center on the edge of Harlem, a walking distance from her apartment on Riverside Drive. The buildings along the avenue were boarded or gutted. The ornamentation at the entrances was worn, peeling, and chipped. Besides the buildings, the faces had changed, from white ruddy faces bundled in thickly-padded jackets to dark faces wearing wind-breakers, wandering in no particular direction. The divide between the races, both black and white, glared visually and. There was the dancing. There had been moments when we danced that the pressure of her breasts against my chest and the feel of the small of her back under my hand aroused me, and on several occasions, emboldened by alcohol, I pressed my hardened cock against her. She did not pull away.There were the kisses. When we danced, the dance always ended with a kiss -- even the times when I'd pressed myself against her. I preferred believing these weren't "thanks for the dance" kisses; I wanted to. . I told myself firmly that it wasn't any of my business, but business or not, I decided that Traci and Hailey would always have a chaperone.Breaking down the sets and getting them loaded in the rental truck went quickly. Wynter, to nobody's surprise, turned out to be a wiz at n-space geometry--the art that only females practiced of getting a larger volume of stuff into a space smaller than ordinary physics allowed.About three there was an explosive, "WHITNEY GWYNETH, YOU'RE OUT OF LINE!" from. John thanked the security guards. He walked into the blessed coolness of the Infirmary. He inquired about Jamie and Sam. Without raising her head, the clerk pointed down the hall toward the examination rooms.John moved slowly down the corridor. He mopped perspiration from his brow with his well used moist handkerchief. Halfway down the hallway, John slowed. His heart jumped into his throat at the sight he beheld. Sam was flat on his back on an examination table. Jamie straddled him, her back to.
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