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“ You're a bastard,” she panted and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her heels drummed into his back like a jockey on a racehorse.He rocked his hips, slipping the tip of his cock inside her and out again. She was so wet he could smell the hot, musky scent of her excitement. He reached above her head and freed her wrists and immediately nails raked into his back.He tangled his fingers in her hair and turned her ear to his mouth.“I'm going to fuck you senseless,” he growled.He pushed his cock. Her sister Meagan is home from college for spring break .We all greet and hug each other then talk till dinner is ready. At dinner Jen's mom ask Meagan how shes doing in college.They talk about classes and stuff then continue on to other things. We come to find out that Meagan is seeing someone. They talk about her new guy a while. Then she shows us a picture of them eating at some well known place near school.Their moms says when she sees it ,that she's glad that he is a white boy!I look over. I never knew what was coming next, couldn't see. You had control. I had givenmine up. Your fingers suddenly slipped inside my sex. I gasped. They came backto my mouth. I could taste the tang of my juices as well as the fruit. It wasso shameful. I sucked your fingers, as I knew I had sucked your cock. I wasmoaning softly. I couldn't stop you, or myself. More fruit, more fingers inside my sex and then in my mouth again. Morefruit. Something cold at my sex made me jump. It was a piece of fruit. " that a man can hold onto them when he fucks your sissymouth." She winked.Davina's eyes popped open in shock making her chuckle."Oh you are going to experience that and many other depravities as myslave," she mused.Clipping a pink lead to the steel loop in the posture collar she led herfrom the apartment.Davina was in a state of submissive bliss, Mistress had given her suchdelights and she knew more were to come. The latex body suit clung to herskin already slick with her sweat.
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