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Still there were only three days till Christmas. Not wanting to get involved in anything that was going to drag out seemed reasonable to me.Before I even got back from my morning walk the phone was ringing. I was half way around the top floor of the mall for the third time when it rang. "Hello," I said cautiously."Maxine it's Reverend Archer, I need a favor." the voice said."Oh what kind of favor?" I asked."There is a turkey processing plant in Wilkins. That's about a hundred miles away. Anyhow. I am guessing one was white and one was black and they were about 25 but they both could have been white; both could have been black. What I DO know is...they both had very hard, thick, long cocks and didn't use any lube. They simply jammed and slammed my raw gurl pussy hole. They more than filled it. Yes, I had been fucked before but more with a little TLC and lube. Never forced fucking. Never just taking it deep and wide with little regard to the sensitive/tender tissue. What I do know is,. He had other ideas and was stronger. He said he wanted to taste me. I demurred. He wrestled me down and forced my legs apart. My playful fight was valiant until his tongue hit its mark. It felt so good at first and then got even better. This man was a musician and my pussy was his instrument. I pushed all ten fingers into his hair to keep him there. Soon he had me singing an aria.When my song ended he began pushing his tongue into me. I closed my eyes and relaxed with the vision of his stiff. He kept talking but I already knew what my sentence would be. “Ben Smith. For the crime of embezzlement you are hereby sentenced to a year as a Bimbo doll to the specifications of your spouse, remanded to her custody and required to perform services at your former firm, Torill and Hoy. Your rights as an individual are hereby voided. You are now a ward of your spouse. You shall be escorted to the correctionsl Z-Chamber where you shall be publicly emasculated and subjected to standard mental.
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