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Over the course of the week students would attendschool as a member of the opposite sex and join a social group differentthan their own. Finals week was moved to the week before and a series ofevents were added to Swap Week. While only a small group of studentsparticipated at first, over the years participation grew to the entirestudent body and students actually looked forward to the week. On Mondaythey would come to school transformed into the boy or girl they weregoing to be for the rest. All the other women stood up except forAllie.? She debated what would be worse,standing or not standing and decided she should stand, it would be the leastobvious (hopefully). Allie stood up like therest of the spinning class, the huge cock slid out of her cunt, at least shewas getting a little moist now so the pain was going away.? They pedaled like that for awhile, Alliestarted to breath hard in part from the workout but also because of the actionin her cunt.? She had about 2 inches ofcock. .. this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone we knew either wanted a divorce or had already gotten one. That’s why we had a meeting---I’m talking about those folks at my house last night and a few more that couldn’t make it for one reason or another. Anyway, we began swapping spouses several years back. At first we did it just to do it, but we found out that there was very little jealousy come of. This will be Alkandra’s pit.” “For… fighting, raping, killing and torture?” “Orc-kind’s favorite pastimes right behind looting, drinking and of course,” she gestured to Faltia, “just plain-old fucking.” “This is plain?” I laughed incredulously. Adrianna shook her head. “Public rape. Public torture. I can understand fights, gladiator matches and executions, but sadism for sport is something I can’t abide.” “So you think death should be punishment for petty theft?” Eva asked. “I think.
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