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I heard a moaning sound that broke my concentration, turning my head to find Mei and Leanne making out on the back seat.Mei had slid her arm up under Leanne's pencil skirt and was fingering my girlfriend's pussy while her tongue was exploring her mouth. What the fuck! I thought. As far as I knew, Leanne had never been with a girl before, and she was always so timid around me. What had Mei done to her? Leanne leaned back against the seat, her head bent backwards and eyes closed as she enjoyed. Then Fergus forced her attentions back on him, grabbing her hair and yanking her head back up straight. She looked at him with fear and dread. "I told you" he said, his voice quiet again "That you'd be sorry." He finished as he s tarted pissing into the funnel. I followed the urine down the funnel as it flowed out of the pipe and into Sarahs throat - Tears flooded down her face again as she felt the sting of the acidic substance on her throat and reluctantly gulped (It was gulp or d rown).. “Don’t worry, you will not be harmed. I will never allow that,” he replied. After eating our dinner, Nookumick and Nimlinlinanim left so I can get some rest. I was still wet from when I was interrupted when I was masturbating. So I went to my bathroom, and turned on the shower. To my surprise the water was an acid like green. Not knowing if it was safe, I slowly put my hand in, then drank some of the water, Nothing happened, the water tasted fine. So I got in and started to gently masturbate. I was able to get the head in and then moved forward, still sucking as I moved my tongue back and forth on the underside of his shaft. I was able to take about a third of him in when he reached the back of my throat and I gagged a little. I moved back a bit and began to slide him in and out of my mouth, all the while keeping good pressure with my lips and tongue.I could feel him harden in my mouth and soon he was like steel, but still soft in that spongy way that cocks are.His hands moved to.
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