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The meeting ended. “I won’t be coming for coffee”, he told those that regularly spend some time at the coffee lounge in the shopping complex. “I have another appointment”.With the coffee ritual behind them George and Elizabeth began to journey back to her unit. ‘What was her next move?’ he thought to himself for he knew that Richard had been invited in for lunch and it was then that the fucking began and if she fucked as well as she sucked it would be something he didn’t want to miss. He pulled. She reached down and was once again rubbing his cock through his pants. She loved how it felt, and she loved the sounds of enjoyment Jerry made when she touched him.She moaned softly as Jerry's lips made contact with her nipple. As he kissed and sucked on her stiff tips, she managed to unzip his pants and slide her hand inside."Hey now, who said you could do that," Jerry whispered as he moved between one breast and the other."Did you want me to stop?" Oh hell no."As she pulled out his cock and. I was awoke to feel a strap on being poked in between my legs what was she doing was the horny bitch was trying to fuck me oh yes she was so I asked her what position did she want me in and before she could answer me I was up on my hands and knees awaiting her rubber cock, she lubed my man cunt up and slide it up to the hilt what a wonderful feeling as it went in I pushed back onto it and started rocking back and forth fucking myself as she just knelt there behind me.She reached around and took. With a simple nod, Jack pushed forward, rupturing her hymen and deflowering her. Victoria’s head rolled back and she became breathless, unable to describe the feeling overtaking her. It felt like her soul was dripping out of her like blood through her ripped hymen, but in exchange, Jack’s soul was pouring into hers from their interlocked bodies.Sitting on his ankles, Jack pushed farther in, working his way into the farthest corners of her interior. Victoria held onto the bed for dear life, not.
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